Ulysses promises the answer as to why he didn’t take the job,but only if you make one last journey into the hurricane-swept canyons of the Divide, a landscape torn apart by earthquakes and violent storms. In Lonesome Road you are contacted by the original Courier Six, a man by the name of Ulysses who refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the start of Fallout: New Vegas. If the 27 new weapons aren’t enough, upgrade your existing weapons with 40 new weapon modifications. Waiting to be uncovered in the Mojave Wasteland is a plethora of new unique weapons such as the Bozar, an all-powerful 5.56mm Light Machine Gun, the Smitty Special, an overwhelming variant of the Plasma Caster, the MFC Cluster mine, the Esther, a unique Mini Nuke Launcher, and the ridiculous Nuka Breaker – a new melee weapon made from a Nuka-Cola neon sign. It’s time to free up some of that inventory weight.

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